The Call

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Tina Rinaldi of the Jacob's Gallery just called me to ask if I would like to be a juror for this summer's Mayor's Art Show! This came as quite a surprise and I am flattered.

I've volunteered for the Mayor's Art Show for many years ever since my first rejection of an art work seven years ago. I've had artwork accepted two years and rejected four years. I've experienced the highs, lows and laughs involved in submitting art to an event this size. Having been a volunteer has given me a glimpse of what is involved behind the scenes in putting on this event. I have sat at the acceptance table with an artist helping fill out the required insurance paperwork allowing their chosen artwork to be displayed safely. I have also been with the crew who hands back unaccepted artworks. In this role I have been afforded a sneak peak of the manifestations of the inner working of fellow artists: from dejection, anger, destruction of the rejected artwork, to mirth, zen-like acceptance, and also relief.

Working with past Mayor's Art Shows has allowed me the opportunity to play juror myself on the sly. Handling my crumbled paper of noted artworks, I've wandered through the accepted works experiencing my own range of reactions similar to those of the rejected artists.

I am both apprehensive and overjoyed to see my art journey continue in a direction more behind the scenes of gallery events. I would like to share with you my reactions on what I expect to be an exciting ride as a juror for the 2005 Mayor's Art Show.